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Re: Incredible Regenerating Elder Races

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@w...>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2002 21:25:11 +1000
Subject: Re: Incredible Regenerating Elder Races

From: "John Atkinson" <>

> > > > I think the problem's more likely that it's far,
> > far
> > > > too easy <to keep SV cultures alive>.

> Anyway, not likely for an advanced organism (starfish,
> I believe, are the highest organism that can regrow
> arms, and none can regrow completely from a skin
> scraping).  Besides, my cultures are grown in what are
> effectively microwave ovens.	First sign of trouble,
> and they get cooked.	You see, we are descended from
> people who actually watched Aliens.  We even own the
> DVD set.  It's a required viewing in Advanced
> Xenobiological Procedures. . . And we'd have
> surgically implanted self-destruct bombs in the aliens
> in our labs.	They go boom if they leave the area of
> their cage.

Sounds like a GREAT scenario for some out-of-the-way
research station (in OU space?). A secret NSL project
working on leech torp cultures, but they didn't know
about the ability of the a small proportion of the cells
to become rad-hardened spores when exposed to microwaves.

The next OU patrol ship delivering supplies has an
interesting time. The station is a wreck - almost all
the self-destructs worked.

The only thing that would save them is the built-in
safeties on all SV weapons. Unless the experimentation

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