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Re: [sg] platoon stuff and combat engineers

From: Ryan M Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 16:52:30 -0400
Subject: Re: [sg] platoon stuff and combat engineers

At 1:42 PM -0700 6/26/02, John Atkinson wrote:
>--- Ryan Gill <> wrote:
>>  Heck, one .600 Nitro Express would probably knock if
>>  flat. 'Course
>>  thinking about it, did the Marines have a sniper
>>  with a HMR on board?
>For shipboard use?  Not bloody likely.
>Have you ever handled a .50 cal sniper rifle??  I

A .50 barret or other .50 BMG sniper rifle? No. A Bren LMG with the 
100 Round drum (loaded, albeit with the wooden tipped blanks) on top? 
Yes. Likely very similar in heft. I've also handled a friend's .50 
barreled Boyes AT-Rifle (not a Sniper gun, but great for poking holes 
in SdzKfz 232s and other German Armour).

>thought you were one of the heavy-duty gun nuts on the
>list.	I have played around with a Barrett and it is
>NOT something you want in CQB.  You just can't handle
>it well enough.

Yeah, but if something big and mean came on board my ship, I'd get 
someone with one of those to shoot the damn thing. That or set up a 
saw and hose it down.

>That's before you start in on the problems with
>shooting armor-piercing rounds off in a space where
>very little 'reacts well with bullets', to quote one

If it's being eaten by some monster or killing it and patching leaks 
in the pressure skin, I'll go with patching holes in the pressure 
- Ryan Montieth Gill			     '01 Honda Insight -
-			    '85 CB700S -
-		 '76 Chevy Monte Carlo -
-		       '72 Honda CB750 -
-				      '60 Daimler FV701H Mk2/3 -
-				   '42 Daimler Scout Car Mk II -
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