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Re: [HIST??] Culture shock

From: Control Robot <cqin@e...>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 17:44:35 -0600
Subject: Re: [HIST??] Culture shock

The "stereotyped" TO&Es for enemies are only a guide for field officers,
an exact order for soldiers to follow when engaging enemies.  Most of
time, the guide would be useful because it gives you a general idea of
enemy's approximate strength, and most of the time the enemy would have
units similar to the guide, but of course not exactly the same. 
that a guide like this, like most stereotypes, represents the majority
not all cases.	As to the story of your grandfather, it's true that
soldiers in World War II were much shorter on average than the Allied
soldiers.  Your grandpa's case is the "man bites dog" story, not the
bites man" story.  :)  Remember that all stereotypes come with an
warning label, that they represent the common case, not all cases.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 7:27 AM
Subject: RE: [HIST??] Culture shock

> G'day,
> > This (perfect information most of the time) does seem to
> > me to be one of the major failings of wargames in
> > general.
> Actually this brings to mind a question I've been meaning to ask JohnA
> while....
> John, you're "stereotyped" TO&Es, do they actually govern how you take
> force and thus have to play catch up if they're not like you expected
> (thinking of my Grandpa's recount of the first time he saw a 6ft+
> guardsman in WWII after being told they were all 4 ft with glasses by
> propaganda guys....)
> Cheers
> Beth

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