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Re: [OT] Mecha - coming to a forest near you!

From: Edward Lipsett <translation@i...>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 13:59:36 +0900
Subject: Re: [OT] Mecha - coming to a forest near you!

We sound like two blink men discussing an elephant <g>. I think we're
much saying the same thing, actually: MTTF sucks regardless.

I hope someone builds one anyway, so there!

on 02.6.21 1:54 PM, Ryan Gill at scribbleth:
> Well, the difference is that the treads are very good at getting
> their parts all gummed up with muck, dirt, and other things that
> aren't friendly to bearings. Each track has road wheels, springs and
> other items that all have bearings and seals to pay attention to. The
> tracks themselves are also an issue unless you have rubber band
> tracks. Lots of things to maintain. Lots of grease nipples. I can see
> building a very well protected housing around each leg of a walker
> and making it all a sealed system that is much harder to get crud
> into that will cause problems with the bearings in the first place. 3
> layers of seals would be much better.

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Edward Lipsett
Intercom, Ltd.
Fukuoka, Japan
Tel: 092-712-9120
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