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Re: Chitless Game

From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@a...>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 10:10:46 -0500
Subject: Re: Chitless Game

On Mon, 17 Jun 2002 13:18:12 -0400, "Tom Barclay" <>

>--> Tomb: Figure on penny. (all mine are) Penny can now sit in the
>middle of 1" washer. On bottom of penny/figure, Q and LDR represented.
>Washer has about another 1/4" on all sides to texture/flock, etc. Worst
>case, I have to go to 1-1/4" washer. 

Okay, that's easy. Just something about your initial description didn't

I'm going to have to think about how I want to do this. I have figures
varying base sizes. My GZG SG2 figures have small bases, but some of the
figures I'm using for other SG2 and FMA games have been mounted on
already. These are often 1" diameter. This would mean using at least 1
washers for markers. I also have _Hardtack_ to take into consideration.
uses 15mm ACW figures mounted for Fire and Fury (usually 3 per

I'm thinking I might use rectangular metal bases. The figure would be
on top of it, as per the washers. However, instead of the figure sitting
the middle of it, the marker would stick out from underneath like a
tab. These could be used for both SG2 and _Hardtack_. 

Or, I'll do the rectangular "tab" idea for _Hardtack_ and just go with
for SG2 and FMA, though it will mean using 1 1/4" fender washers, which
be a bit big.

>How would you make them?
>--> Tomb: Take a few figures, and go to work with putty, dremel, files,
>saws, etc. to get some new "dead" figures. Only need one wounded and
>dead pose. Then mould and cast same. 

Ah. It's the "moulding and casting" part that I have no idea how to go

>What's a "range stake"? What does it look like?
>--> White or orange toothpick sticking up from a mound of dirt. Maybe a
>couple of bands on it. 

Oh, okay.

Wish there was some other way to do overwatch, but I can't think of any
would "blend in" to the scenery. 

On the other hand, if the SL is going to be denoted by a washer placed
him, changing the SL's pose would work. Switching him from a moving or
commanding pose to an "aiming" pose would work. For example, my NSL
grenadier SLs all stare into a communication device of some sort. If I
them out for a figure aiming a gun to indicate overwatch, that would

On the other hand, this becomes a pain in FMA and I'd like to use the
indicator in FMA. I'm not sure I like the "range stick" idea. 

>--> Maybe a plastic surface on the bottom you can write on with
>watercolor markers. Then they are "multi purpose".

If using a fender washer, cheap magnetic material could be used. Just
create a
bunch of magnetic "counters" and slap them on underneath. The only
then, is the height of the base with these magnetic bits underneath.

>--> Maybe a yellow lifejacket for the figures? (*grin*) 

Or a little yellow puddle? *grin and duck*

>Eureka makes Special Forces figures. 
>--> Tomb: Think I'm still waiting for pix aren't I? :) 

Ooops! Didn't I mention that Nic now has his pictures up on the web
site? It
has all the head, legs, and bodies that you can order. I can take
pictures of
mine, though, if you like. They are assembled and black primed, though
don't show all the head and body combinations you'd want to see.

Allan Goodall

"At long last, the earthy soil of the typical, 
unimaginable mortician was revealed!" 
 - from the Random H.P. Lovecraft Story Generator:

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