Re: DS2 design querIES - NPC (Native People's Circle)
From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 12:15:05 EDT
Subject: Re: DS2 design querIES - NPC (Native People's Circle)
On Mon, 3 Jun 2002 16:17:17 -0700 (PDT) John Atkinson
<> writes:
>--- Glenn M Wilson <> wrote:
>> Found a old draft....
>> I'll keep that in mind. The Arty area is still
>> fuzzy for the NPC. I
>> would assume a majority of MLRS or (non-MD) tube
>> Medium Artillery with a
>> reasonable amount (10-15%) Heavier pieces and
>> possibly RAM Mortars on
>> board integral to a combat team but opinions
>> solicited.
>I'm quite fond of artillery, but then again I'm
Me, too. My second favorite Army arm of service. But I'm a sick-minded
ex-zoomie... Death from a far (as far away from me as possible.)
>My favorite scenarios are pretty set-piece and hence
>artillery is essential. Fighting a maneuver battle,
>artillery is most useful for the fun special munitions
>you can throw all over the place. That and it's great
>to dig out infantry before they get into hard cover.
>Tanks shouldn't hold still long enough to get too many
>rounds on them.
>> Not thrilled that way but the 4 cap for GMS/H and
>> the desire 'not to
>> waste a cap' means the TD/possible Tank was Size 4,
>> GMS/H x 4, Integral
>> Fire Team[Per Platoon: 1 APSW, 1 LAD, 2 Infantry]
>> for close in defense.
>That's a lot of GMS/Hs. Are you using a houserule
>that allows you to target multiple targets from one
>vehicle? If so, hooray, you've got a bloody scary
>vehicle with some strange tankriders.
NO, mostly just the pre-conceived NPC view of 'war' - and their love of
GMS/H's. Each small national group in my mini-campaign has a 'faorite'
weapons system.
>If not, you're wasting a really spectacular amount of
>points for nothing. You don't often need to throw
>more than 2 GMS/Hs at 1 target, even if it's got PDS
>and ECM at a reasonable level. Doesn't hit every
>time, but often enough to get your point across.
I'm not quite as bad as some other list members (or Larry leadhead) but,
right now I roll a seperate die for each missile to see if it beats the
ECM and PDS high roll. Done the latter both ways, one roll (of multiple
dice using highest roll) or matched rolls (1 per GMS) burt the latter
takes longer.
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