Re: Low-tech Comms (was: Re: SG Great War)
From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2002 11:21:12 -0400
Subject: Re: Low-tech Comms (was: Re: SG Great War) wrote:
> REMEMBER, terrain and weather interfere with radio comms too.
> and weather effects land line comms as well.
> question about the RVN game;
> did the VC forces have the less than flexible, command structure?
> without comms, they nearly always had planned ahead how th battle
> would be fought, with the most common option being;
Oh, yes, we had a totally inflexible command structure. Stuart
gave us *5* minutes to discuss our plans/orders. he was quite
firm on that. My commanding officer hadn't grasped just how short
a time 5 minutes can be (repeat: Stuart was *firm* on this!) and
gave my platoon and the other platoon with me rather incomplete
orders. Given our limited orders, we held the Americans back from
the part of the valley we were overseeing (they were to 1) advance
through the valley, and 2) attempt to find the hidden bunker; we
were nowhere near it). We mnaged to be quite successful at crushing
a few American squads, forcing them to retreat. But not before they
gave us a parting kiss of artillery which all but wiped out my and
the other guy's platoons.
> if things do not go as planned, cut and run.
Fortunately [for us] we did not have to exercise that option.
Either the Americans were running, or the VC were obliterated
(iirc, my command squad and one half-destroyed rifle squad
were all that remained on our side of the board)