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Re: [FH] americas [Thread Warning]

From: John Hamill <jwdh71@y...>
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2002 04:49:57 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [FH] americas [Thread Warning]

  "K.H.Ranitzsch" <> wrote: 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Laserlight" 
> Karl Heinz suggested
> > Some other ideas:
> > - tax-lowering policies leave the educational system starved of
> funds.
> This part I don't think is likely--every politico here beats the drum
> for "more money for better education". Not to say the US won't
> become non-competitive for other reasons, nor that our education
> system is worth a fraction of the money we pour into it.

"Beating the drum for something" is not quite the same as effective
action -
especially in politics. Plus, for example, religious fundamentalists
interfere with education in a number of spheres - biology and genetic
engineering come to mind.

The ideas were not meant to be single events/causes that, alone, would
cause the US to unravel, but rather ideas for problems that, in
would lead to a vicious circle.

Kalr Heinz

Hey, have you seen a listing of the winners of most spelling bees and
other scholastic competitions in the US? It's full of home schooled
children. We should be so lucky that the education system in this
country would be partially dismantled. A higher percentage of home
schooled children go into the sciences and engineering than public
school kids anyway. If our schools were doing a reasonable job to begin
with I might concur with your premise, but I don't see that going on
right now. 

What you would have to have for a fracture of the US to happen is an
extended period of no foreign problems. There are enough problems
internally in the United States to rip it apart, but there has to be no
external problems for an extended period of time. We dislike each other
here, but dislike foreigners worse. Ironically for the current batch of
enemies, if they had just left the US alone for a period of time, we
probably would have ended up doing more damage to ourselves than they
could have ever done themselves.


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