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RE: [FH] FCT founding talk

From: John Leary <john_t_leary@y...>
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2002 21:07:08 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: [FH] FCT founding talk

Hi Beth,

> I guess that depends on whether you see crews as
> integrated or as being
> manned from specific locales. 
Well the NAC has 13 colonies, much depends on the
economics/stratigics of the situation.	 Is it
cheaper/faster to train/build on site or build
at central site and ship to all locations.  
The stratigic answer is have many smaller sites
that can train/repair/build all or most classes
of ship.   A single site, while ecomomicly 
cheaper on site, would have support and
transportation costs hidden somewhat.	
A single site is a very attractive stratigic target.

>We don't have "state" run frigates etc here. A
> ship will contain bods from all the states and I
> guess that coloured my view of how the spaceships
would be crewed. 
My thinking goes back to WWII.
Each 'state' did furnish crews, RN, RAN, RCN, ect.
within the general framework of the 'commonwealth'.

At the time of the creation of the NAC I could
envisage nation based forces as the majority would've
> just have been brought straight across from the
> individual constituent nations. However, the FCT is
formed in 2159 and so I had assumed crews would
> be more integrated - why segregate when you either
> speak the same language 
I drew the crews apart because it makes the transition
easier.   The only way a mixed crew could have made
the break was mutiny and taking the ships by force or
a strike that makes the entire NAC fleet
Mutiny/force will get people killed and prevent an
agreement from being reached.	A strike will present
major problems in replacements for the leaving
degradation of the fleet readiness, ect..   For a 
strike to be successful the strikers would have to 
make the entire fleet non-functionsl, I.E. 40 to 50
percent of the crewmen would have to quit working.
This leads to the FCT having 40 to 50 percent of 
the NAC fleet or 25 percent of the fleet and the 
NAC fleet is almost 40 percent understaffed.

> I didn't see great swags of ships naturally falling
to FCT control. Though you may have a point about
> internal tensions weakening the NAC's position vs
> other powers and my view of NAC stuffing is probably
just some much $%@#* anyway ;)
Well, just look at it this way, 
1) The FCT becomes independant, makes the FCT folks
2) A treaty of military co-operation maintains the 
   military status-quo as far as 'other' first
   rate powers are concerned.	Makes NAC happy.
3) Other 'special' arrangments would be available.

Bye for now,
John L.

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