Re: [FH] americas [Thread Warning]
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2002 09:03:37 -0400
Subject: Re: [FH] americas [Thread Warning]
Karl Heinz suggested
> Some other ideas:
> - tax-lowering policies leave the educational system starved of
This part I don't think is likely--every politico here beats the drum
for "more money for better education". Not to say the US won't
become non-competitive for other reasons, nor that our education
system is worth a fraction of the money we pour into it.
> - Increased international economic tensions lead to a trade war
between the
> US and the rest of the world.
The *entire* rest of the world?
> - Continued Latino immigration leads to strong tension in the
> US - basically the Free Cal-Tex area
> - Terrorists or a rogue state detonate a nuke carried in a cargo
plane high
> above the states. The resulting electro-magnetic pulse fries
> over a wide area and disrupts electric power supplies. Repairs take
> than anticipated
Even if repairs don't take longer than anticipated, this would be a
real, genuine mess.
> - A massive earthquake in California
No. Everyone knows it's going to happen sooner or later, nothing
surprising about and no reason it should disrupt the political
integrity of the country.
> - A serious chemical, nuclear or bio-engineering accident in a
crucial area
Chemical--no way. The US has too much land area. We've *had*
chemical accidents here and while inconvenient--they're still working
on the one in Baltimore from a few months ago--they're not *that*
disruptive. Bio, maybe.
> - Alaska decides to exploit its oil riches for itself and votes to
> from the Union.
I find that quite unlikely too.