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Re: Many things

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@w...>
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2002 14:17:38 +1000
Subject: Re: Many things

From: "Thomas Barclay" <>

> 4) Afghanistan: John, Adrian may not have it 
> entirely right, but I'm afraid the NG flyboy that 
> dropped the bomb may have gotten a bit 
> trigger happy
> I'm not about to jump on the pilot until I know 
> he was the one that screwed up. I don't have all 
> the facts, nor do you, at the moment. When 
> both reports come out, we'll see who screwed 
> up and what fubar situation led to the result. 
> The truth WILL come 
> out, never doubt it. Someone screwed up. How 
> about we wait until the reports are out before 
> we start offending and defending? Or is a 
> balanced viewpoint to much to ask?

Hence my  "*ZING* - sound of a cheap shot" remark
concerning my own comment. I agree totally with what
you say. 

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