Re: The same old shit!!!
From: "Eric Foley" <stiltman@t...>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 15:15:14 -0700
Subject: Re: The same old shit!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Imre A. Szabo" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 5:00 AM
Subject: Re: The same old shit!!!
> > HOWEVER, their singular contribution in the _18th_
> > century has no bearing whatsoever on the dismal
> > performance of their army in the 19th and 20th
> > centuries, the stupidity of the French Government and
> > People during the period 1870-1940, or the bombastic
> > egotism of the French during any time period.
> I have a great idea. Let's bleed the U.S. as France was during the
> Louis XIV, the French Revolutionary Wars, and the Wars of Napolean.
> let's see how good the U.S. Army is a 100 years latter...
I'll see that wager and raise you a civil war that broke the U.S. in
killed more of its people than any other war the country has ever
produced the battle that to this day holds the record for most
casualties in its history (9/11 was thought to possibly break it, but it
fell well short), and completely upheaved the social structure and
of the losing side and would continue to divide the country in many ways
a century and a half and counting. (There's a whole series of
history fiction" books by one Harry Turtledove which seems to celebrate
idea that the wrong side won.) While we're at it, let's put this civil
inside the first hundred years of the country's very existence.
And then they'll be back inside seventy years as the most powerful
on the planet, kicking the Germans out of France in the process. Twice.
Once while fighting a second front against the Japanese at the same
Sorry, dude... you've got some rather bad cards to play, I'd say. I'd
suggest you fold.