Prev: Re: Zombie sources Re: No longer the same old shit!!! Next: RE: Re: KV vs HM, was: You think you're kidding.

Re: KV vs HM, was: You think you're kidding.

From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 20:50:25 +0100
Subject: Re: KV vs HM, was: You think you're kidding.

On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 12:09:33PM -0700, Brian Bilderback wrote:

>a religious POV, it depends on your religious beliefs, cosmology, and
>the KV fit into it.  Are they merely misguided children of the
>equal creations who merely need to be convinced to let us live in peace

Now there's a job I wouldn't particularly like. Missionary to the
Kra'Vak. Then again... "We need this heavy powered armour so that we can
survive long enough to let them hear what we have to say".

Prev: Re: Zombie sources Re: No longer the same old shit!!! Next: RE: Re: KV vs HM, was: You think you're kidding.