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Re: [OT] Invading America

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 17:37:01 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: [OT] Invading America

Brian Bilderback schrieb:
> > If that were the case, the Germans would find it a near
> >impossibility to secure their supply lines against the
> >predations of the British fleet.
> Not to mention the US Navy, as well as the problems with making
landings in 
> the first place,  Sounds like a combination of Gallipoli 
> AND Invading Russia, all at once.  Whee fun.

Actually, I see the possible course of events differently. 

I'm not too familiar with the American Navy and the strength of its
Army ca.1900-1910, but I don't think that
- The Navy would have been able to cover the whole coastline from
Canada to Florida, nor that
- The Army (even with associated militias) would have been able to
adequately defend every port along that coast.

So it seems quite possible that the invaders might have achieved a
surprise landing with little opposition and been able to establish a
bridgehead. But after that, they would have had massive problems, with
their supply lines threatened by the US (and possibly other) Navies and
the US army concentrating against them.


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