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Re: [SG] Artillery

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 15:56:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [SG] Artillery

--- "" <>
> I'm thinking about IF doctrine, 

This will be a first for IFed. . . 

> and the IF loves artillery.  

Yeah.  They may be pretty bad at it, but they do love

So I want to be able to channel enemy
> units into a fire sack, and have artillery which I
> can be confident will land in the fire sack--not
> deviate over to my platoon strongpoint.
> Should I just put a few chits on the table and then
> *not* roll deviation for the first round on that
> predesignated point?	Other suggestions?

Well, once you've got your artillery pre-registered on
a point, then you can be pretty sure it will land
there when you input that TRP's data into the gun's

Of course, TRPs might be a bit obvious, especially if
you've had bad quality gunners targeting in on them. 
Perhaps putting a few crater markers out to mark them?

Also, make heavy use of preplotted fire.  For

Turn 1: No fire.
Turn 2: Mortars on TRP 3
Turn 3: 23rd Howitzer Battery FFE on TRP 2
Turn 4: Whatever.

The artillery automatically comes in, automatically
hits, but it may not be anywhere CLOSE to where the
enemy actually is.

Of course, IFed artillery doctrine also centralizes
fireplans and holds authority to call for fire
somewhat above the platoon level.  This also makes for
lack of flexibility.


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