Re: [OT]Episode II: I knew it! (Minor Spoiler)
From: Randall L Joiner <rljoiner@m...>
Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 10:45:08 -0400
Subject: Re: [OT]Episode II: I knew it! (Minor Spoiler)
Let's not forget Binks is also of the same planet as Palpatine. Nor
we forget that Binks only contact with Palpatine was during the war,
Palpatine seemed to be on their side, and even Amindala trusted
At 04:20 AM 5/25/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Actually, the legistlation would still have been introduced by someone,
>if Jar Jar wasn't present.
>At that point, Darth Sideous had actual or political control of most of
>I think at least a majority. He would have someone do it.
>Jar Jar made a perfect candidate. He is a general. A war hero of his
>peaple. A member of a supressed peaple.
>The supressors, "the trade federation" joined with Count Douku and the
>Having Jar Jar make the announcement gave the legistlation (and
Palpiteen) a
>lot of political clout.
>Just My Humble Opinion (JMHO)
>Donald Hosford
>Mark Reindl wrote:
> > >
> > > Well, he did seem to be acting on behalf of the Jedi Council and a
> > > number of other senators, even if things did go awfully
> >
> > Naw, I blame the little CGI bastard for everything!
> >
> > Mark