RE: Big Games
From: "John Crimmins" <johncrim@v...>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 12:42:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RE: Big Games
On Tue, 21 May 2002 09:00:34 -0400, ""
<> wrote :
> From: John Crimmins
> >I'm planning on eight, which is about as much as I think my brain can
handle without exploding.
> Brain exploding = good special effects. However, I think you'd find
4-6 would do better.
> >no experience with the system. ...I'd like to keep things moving
> FMA specific:
> Make up a reference sheet (like the SG2 one).
> Color code dice (yellow d4's, blue d8's etc)
> General:
> Recruit a player to be assistant GM, move the the minions, roll the
dice and resolve attacks, while you provide plot, characterization and
This is an excellent idea, and I can even reduce the number of "living"
players by assigning
zombies to some of them. Also, let the folks who are killed off
entirely start playing zombies....
> Feel free to override the rules in the interest of drama. Stuart's
CineGrunt games are a good example. The news crew had the ability to
teleport, for
example, so they could interview (ie, interfere with, irritate and
embarass) the other units without bothering to plod across the board.
> All games are role playing games.
> Be loud, be enthusiastic, be dramatic. Be odd. Would you rather
watch Father Bob, generic priest of a non-specific, vaguely good
diety--or Heruzar,
wild-eyed priest of Vulcan, scarred from fires and explosions and sworn
to use no weapon twice in the same battle (which means the first foe got
exploding horseshoe, the second one got the fire siphon, third one got
the hammer, fourth one got a portable anvil, etc)?
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your
Seriously, that's an excellent idea, and I need to give it some serious
thought so that
I can do it properly.
John Crimmins