[ot] RL flying!
From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 22:36:19 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [ot] RL flying!
HI all,
I think I've mentioned a few times in the last six weeks or so that I'm
taking flying lessons - well, today I solo'd!
It was really, really good - my instructor & I did half an hour of
circuits together, then we taxied back to the Club, he hopped out, and I
did one circuit on my own! "Victoria Ground, Uniform Zulu Romeo going up
for just one circuit... um, it's my first solo, Ground..."
ATC (Air Traffic Control people) were good - they're used to student
pilots at my airport - and the flight went very well, esp. the landing.
The Cessna handles a bit differently with only one person on board,
Made the one circuit, full stop landing, and was greeted back at the
Club's line by my instructor & the CFI - but I think I was half way home
before I actually came back down to earth!
Best single moment was right after landing, realizing a) I'd stuck the
landing really well and b) hearing Tower say, "Uniform Zulu Romeo, exit
right on 02 - and congratulations on your first solo."
Stuff debating FT scifi fighters - real Cessnas are much more
I'll have my Private by end of July; then I start on my Commercial &
ratings over the winter! Anyone likely to be in the Victoria, BC, Canada
area, drop me a note - you pay for the plane time, and I"ll be happy to
take you sightseeing!
Brian - yh728@victoria.tc.ca -
- http://wind.prohosting.com/~warbard/games.html -