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RE: Star Wars Episode II

From: "B Lin" <lin@r...>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 11:59:52 -0600
Subject: RE: Star Wars Episode II

Star Wars version of BlackHawk Down.  A few highly trained against many
not so well trained.

Plus another William Wallace in Space.

But the new troop/vehicle/equipment types offer a lot more potential.
i.e. Attack/transport VTOL's, Fast wheeled missile launchers, early
Heavy walkers, smaller turreted walkers, heavy battle droids, and some
sort of energy-globe hand weapon.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 11:35 AM
Subject: RE: Star Wars Episode II

>And the battle at the end; I'll just say wargaming potential.

SF Wargaming, or William-Wallace-in-Space like the last one?

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