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RE: Its Doctrine, Scouting and Tactics not Fighters

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 21:39:26 -0400
Subject: RE: Its Doctrine, Scouting and Tactics not Fighters

At 3:23 PM -0600 5/9/02, B Lin wrote:
>Not totally true, you can have conventions that prohibit such 
>things.  Just look at the whole MAD doctrine - no one could stop a 
>nuclear missile, and the US had such weapons before the Russians, 
>and yet, we didn't go ahead and slag all their military bases.

Mad didn't occur until the Russians had a way of getting their nukes 
here. The main concern early on was that we really didn't want to get 
into another slogging war with the Ruskies at the time. MAD was a 

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