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Re: Its Doctrine, Scouting and Tactics not Fighters

From: "Scott Jaqua" <jaqua@c...>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 10:16:30 -0700
Subject: Re: Its Doctrine, Scouting and Tactics not Fighters

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
> Ok, so we need rules which
> a) simulate pre-battle manuevering
> b) simulate pre-battle recon
> c) affect the tabletop setup
> d) are simple
> e) are quick
> Suggestions?

Not so much new rules, but how about this. An ideal solution might be
games. The first game being a fighter level game with each fighter being
single unit (much like first edition B5W rules). The object of the game
would be to conduct a recon in force. Send a wing or two of fighters
of the fleet, into a system. While the fleet maintains it's distance,
outside the FTL limit. So both sides have scouting units (recon
out. The goal would be to get X distance for a given point for each side
then return. Victory conditions would allow you to know enemy fleet
composition and/or allow you to set-up anywhere on the edge of the map.
Failure means you know nothing about the enemy and you must enter from a
fixed point, know by the enemy. You would need to set multiple levels of
victory. And it should be possible for both sides to achieve a partial
victory. But what do people think of that for an idea.

Scott B. Jaqua

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