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RE: Its Doctrine, Scouting and Tactics not Fighters

From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 13:00:57 -0400
Subject: RE: Its Doctrine, Scouting and Tactics not Fighters

From: Ryan M Gill
Subject: Its Doctrine, Scouting and Tactics not Fighters
>Two fleets just don't line up at 500 Klicks 
and advance in line. There is really lots of maneuvering and scouting 
that goes on. There is a massive fight for information before the 
first shot is ever fired. You need to add to the rules, not change 

Ok, so we need rules which
a) simulate pre-battle manuevering
b) simulate pre-battle recon
c) affect the tabletop setup
d) are simple
e) are quick

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