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Re: Re: Fighters

From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 16:19:43 +0100
Subject: Re: Re: Fighters

On Mon, May 06, 2002 at 08:08:38AM -0700, Brian Bilderback wrote:
>And see, there's the catch.  If ships can be designed that can defend 
>against fighters, then the problem isn't with the fighters, it's with
>FB designs.

Not necessarily.

If the current rules said "each PDS destroys d6 fighter groups every
turn, no range limit", then it would be possible to design ships that
fared better against fighters than the FB1 designs. Does it follow that
the designs ought to be changed, rather than the rules? How about "each
PDS destroys every fighter on the board"?

There is nothing holy about the current rule system. The only way any
design can be evaluated as "good" or "bad" is within the context of
rules. You and Eric are both saying "FB1 designs are bad, other designs
are better" as if the current rules were the way things "really worked".
They aren't.

Don't forget the last page of FB1: if you don't like whatever changes
get made, don't use them! This isn't Games Workshop with the latest
"official" rules being the only thing anyone ever plays.

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