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RE: (OT)(SG2) A question, to ARV or not to ARV...

From: "Noel Weer" <noel.weer@v...>
Date: Sun, 5 May 2002 19:17:56 -0500
Subject: RE: (OT)(SG2) A question, to ARV or not to ARV...

Those may be useful, particulary in 15mm. However, I would be more
interested in a GEV APC. I'm just not into the wheeled thing. :)
The Civet's are nice, and it would great to see other vehicles that
with them better.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
[mailto:owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU]On Behalf Of David L. Dunn -
  Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 1:51 PM
  Subject: Re: (OT)(SG2) A question, to ARV or not to ARV...

  Hio folks,
  Want to pose a question for ya'll.
  Is there a calling for say ARV's or CEV's? I have a few designs that
work as one of the two or both, but want to get some input before going
throwing these babies into wubba, (read rubber).
  And what about MLRS systems mounted on either the Kamodo chassis or on
some other type of chassis? Same thing for vehicles like Artillery? You
know, like the M109, or the 2S19. Could folks use them in a scenario?
oh,  ADA? Gun, or missile, and what about both in the same turret!
That'd be
kool huh?
  Of course, everything I make in 25mm will be in 15mm as well.

  Anywho, just wanted to know....... I'm going back into the shop now.
  David L. Dunn
  DLD Productions
  "Striving to Make Your Gaming Real"

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