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Re: FT: Carriers & Fighter Capacity

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 10:18:05 -0700
Subject: Re: FT: Carriers & Fighter Capacity

>From: Flak Magnet <>

>Here's a refinement of that idea:  Limit the number of fighters that
>attack a single ship *per firing arc of the ship*.  This would a
>tactical element as "where" you attack from will now be relevant if
>you're trying to swarm a large ship with fighters... ("Yellow group
>take longer to swing around for an effective attack run, so red group
>has to linger out of AFPDS range long enough for them to take part in a
>co-ordinated attack.")

I Like it.  I like it very very much.

>   Bow and Aft arcs (aft actually being a non-firing arc, really) could
>have a lower number of possible attacking fighter, not so much due to
>assumption that ships will generally be linear in shape, but because
>forward motion of the ship along the fore-aft axis would limit the
>effective attack vectors.  If it wouldn't make it "too complicated",
>bow should have even fewer than the stern, because of the assumption
>that fighters can't fire through an aft arc just like the big ships,
>to maneuver to keep getting a good head-on attack vector you have to
>turn away from the target sometime...

Plus, this makes great PSB to justify putting a limit on fighters. :-)

>Comments?  Am I forgetting the KISS principle?  (Keep It Simple

Maybe.	But there's such a thing as too much of a good thing (Including 
simplicity).  The beauty of a HR like this is that you can use it... or



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