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Re: FT: Carriers & Fighter Capacity

From: Flak Magnet <flakmagnet@t...>
Date: 02 May 2002 12:31:42 -0400
Subject: Re: FT: Carriers & Fighter Capacity

Which seems realistic (as opposed to arbitrary) when you consider that
the different flights of fighters have to worry about co-ordinating
their fire and vectors in order be able to do significant damage.  If
one flight screws up another's vector then you have both flights
breaking formation, not making attack runs and generally getting hosed
out of the sky by ship anti-fighter defenses.  Perhaps basing the max
numbers of fighter that can attack by the ships classification (and thus
general size/mass).


On Thu, 2002-05-02 at 12:20, Roger Books wrote:
> Limit the number of fighters than can attack a ship in one turn.
> Roger Books

--Flak Magnet
Hive Fleet Jaegernaught

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