Re: FT: Carriers & Fighter Capacity
From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 12:20:37 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: FT: Carriers & Fighter Capacity
On 2-May-02 at 12:15, (
> I said:
> > FB1 ships get devoured by fighters, unless you bring almost all
> or something of that sort. How would you fix it so:
> > a) fighters are useful
> > b) masses of fighters are not unbalancing
> > c) FB1 ships are useful
> > d) we do not have to change the published SSDs (ie you can tinker
> > the
> rules of what existing systems can do, but don't come with a new icon
> the SSD).
> Eric/Stilt said:
> >These four goals, taken together, are not possible. Period.
> You will recall that I said in a different post that the Test List
> come up with a solution. No, I'm not saying what it is--among other
> reasons, I want to come up with a *new* idea rather than hash out an
> idea the Test List has already discussed.
Limit the number of fighters than can attack a ship in one turn.