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RE: Carriers & Fighter Capacity

From: "B Lin" <lin@r...>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 13:38:28 -0600
Subject: RE: Carriers & Fighter Capacity

I think there was a discussion of this last year, but...

What about the idea of launch tubes like Battlestar Galactica, which
would allow the rapid deployment of large numbers of fighters - say 2
mass per 6 fighters, so a carrier could opt
for 6 sets of launch tubes to fire off all it's fighters in one turn,
but only have 2 bays to recover them, plus whatever is required for
storing 6 sets of fighters. (or perhaps fighters can be stored in
tubes?) Turn around time would be increased due to the extra effort to
load a fighter into a tube.

Plus the tube might be equipped with a catapult which could be simulated
by giving the fighters an extra 6" on their first move from the carrier.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Bilderback []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 1:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: FT: Carriers & Fighter Capacity
> I've been considering the rules for fighters.  Under the 
> current rules, a 
> ship can store, launch, and recover 6 fighters for 9 mass.  
> That means that 
> every flight has it's own hangar, launch facility, and 
> recovery facility.  
> It's a good thing modern carriers don't work quite like that. 
>  Has anyone 
> ever tried any alternate rules for separate storage/shared 
> launch & Recovery 
> for dedicated carriers in FT?  I was thinking of something 
> like making each 
> "Hangar bay" worth 5 mass per flight, and each "Operations 
> deck" worth 4 
> mass. The carrier could carry as many fighters as it had 
> bays, but only 
> launch and recover as many flights per turn as it has ops 
> decks - sort of 
> like the difference between SML's and SMR's (Only Different). 
>  This would 
> make it remain more economical to buy full 9-mass fighter 
> flights for BB's, 
> DN,'s, etc, but give a litttle incentive to designing good dedicated 
> carriers.  Thoughts from the list?
> 3B^2
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