Re: Moderation of GZG-L (was Re: Back from SALUTE and bye bye)
From: Katie Lauren Lucas <katie@f...>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 16:55:00 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: Moderation of GZG-L (was Re: Back from SALUTE and bye bye)
Quoting Flak Magnet <>:
> Miniature painting doesn't allow for many power tools, nevermind
> explosives... to I get my "Tim Taylor-ism" into it any way I can.
You could undercoat a lot of stuff very fast using explosives and paint
> Besides, painting up a company of 6mm Shermans in a couple hours with
> highlighting, shading and decals rocks!
Ah well, if you're painting *dust-specks*...
<Katie ducks>
> > >I didn't think that the Amish could play wargames!
> >
> > Hey, I'm wearing the clumpy shoes while my leg gets better. It's not
> fashion
> > choice...
> Umm... Okay...
It was a "Friends" reference. (And to the fact I'm recovering from a
knee. It's getting better slowly {albeit very slowly}. Soon I will be
back to
running around the place again. And heels. So I can loom over people
Katie Lauren Lucas, Consultant Software Engineer, Parasol