Re: Moderation of GZG-L (was Re: Back from SALUTE and bye bye)
From: "John Crimmins" <johncrim@v...>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 15:03:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Moderation of GZG-L (was Re: Back from SALUTE and bye bye)
On 29 Apr 2002 12:21:23 -0400, Flak Magnet <> wrote
> Hey! I use an airbrush! You can achieve wet-blending effects and
> highlighting without actually doing any wet-blending or dry-brushing.
> What is it about airbrushing miniatures that gets your knickers in a
> bunch? I didn't think that the Amish could play wargames! What are
> you, a luddite(1) or something?
My own objection to painting miniatures with Airbrushes is based on a
single fact.
A rock-solid, incontrovertable fact: I don't own an airbrush. Yet.
Therefore, all of you who do are heretics. Have a nice day!
John Crimmins