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Re: Moderation of GZG-L (was Re: Back from SALUTE and bye bye)

From: Katie Lauren Lucas <katie@f...>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 15:01:37 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: Moderation of GZG-L (was Re: Back from SALUTE and bye bye)

Quoting John Crimmins <>:

> At 09:22 PM 4/28/02 -0700, you wrote:
> >I think the tenor of the list is due in large part to the higher
> >average age of people on the list than what you'll find in the
> typical
> >newsgroup.  Being that is the case, I think that moderation is
> neither
> desirable
> >nor necessary, and I plan on making some killfile additions should a
> little
> >blowup like the one seen recently appear again.

Hey!!! My average age isn't high! It's almost exactly the same as my

{There's also the factor that it does take a minimal IQ to be able to 
understand wargames rules... nasty elitist hobby..}

> Truth be told, I delete about 50% of the GZGlist messages unread at
> this
> point.  Things like discussions of Orbital Mechanics, or military
> minutia,
> don't hold any interest to me.  That's not to say that I have any
> objection
> to people discussing such matters, mind you! 

Annoyingly, the only mail reader I can at the list with at the moment is
based one with doesn't do threading, so I can't reap whole threads in
one go...

> We're all part of the list, and it's up to us to maintain its quality.

> I
> don't think that expecting basic civility of the list memembers is out
> of
> line here...and that includes respecting the opinions of others, even
> those
> who disagree with us...and those who insist upon discussing things
> that
> make our eyes glaze over with a single glance at the topic line...and
> even
> those who game with unpainted miniatures, may they burn forever in the
> deepest pits of hades.
> Sorry, did I type that last bit?

What about those scum that use airbrushes instead of the One True Way..?

      Katie Lauren Lucas, Consultant Software Engineer, Parasol

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