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Re: [OT] Goodbye to John was Re: Mr. Szabo's utter inability to think clearly or hold any moral standards

From: Katie Lauren Lucas <katie@f...>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 08:51:19 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: [OT] Goodbye to John was Re: Mr. Szabo's utter inability to think clearly or hold any moral standards

Quoting Derek Fulton <>:
>Yes, I'm asking for John to be booted 
> off the list, because I'm more interested in listening to what the
> people 
> who unsubscribed have to say than John's posturing, chest thumping and
> abuse of others.

Removing people from lists is never a good precedent to set. It always
(in my 
experience) leads to more such requests. In increasingly swift

      Katie Lauren Lucas, Consultant Software Engineer, Parasol

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