Re: [MERCS] Weapons available [FH]
From: "Imre A. Szabo" <ias@s...>
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 00:31:43 -0400
Subject: Re: [MERCS] Weapons available [FH]
> The US is also a real nation, not a third-rate pack of
> vodka-swilling pig farmers that by a fluke of history
> happens to have nuclear weapons.
Reality check, back in 1956 the U.S. didn't have the guts enough to
stand up
to those "third-rate pack of vodka-swilling pig farmers that by a fluke
history happens to have nuclear weapons." The Hungarians overthrew
communist government and kicked the Soviet Army out. What was the U.S.
response to the Hungarian request, plees, prayers, and begs for help?
NOTHING. Why? The U.S. would have gotten into a "big one" and would
gotten hurt (the Soviets assembled several tank armies and crushed the
revolution). It's much safer to go thump some third world country with
third rate military (even if it is huge) that doesn't have nukes...
> I mean, how seriously can you take an empire that took
> a mere 70 years to collapse (speaking as an amateur
> Roman historian. . . )??
The Romans didn't run an empire based on terrorizing of the average
The Soviets did. This is a significant difference. A better comparison
would be with the Assyrian Empire, which didn't last nearly as long.
works great for controling people for short periods of time. However,
term it is very problematic as the Assyrians and Soviets found out and
Isrealis are finding out.
> > improvised protection isn't much help, can simple
> > respirators handle CS? If memory serves, it's not
> > very good at putting out fires either.
> Yeah, respirators are fine--although it burns exposed
> skin as well in high enough concentrations. Of
> course, if they all have respirators, they probably
> aren't the simple agitators your scenario originally
> postulated.
Not neccessarily true. If they are smart and organized they could
stop by the hardware shop and and dive shop and get what they need
agitating. Also, if they are experienced, as in Palastinian rock
kids, they will be conditioned to it (know what it does and be much less
likely to panic). In designing a scenario, you should consider the
background very carefully to determine what they will have and how they
> > * to forestall the howls from all who have been
> > exposed to CS, I think the issue may be one of
> > concentration. Beyond a certain point, there's
> > no question of being able to hold, let alone
> > aim a weapon. Next question: how many typical
> > CS rounds would it take to gas a big aviation
> > hanger?
> Depends on the size of your CS rounds.
> > Get yourself a nice non-persistent nerve agent
> > that'll go through anything short of a full
> > environmental protection unit (I may have the
> > wrong name for the relevant bit of tank here;
> > I mean the gubbins that doubles as air-
> > conditioning and gas attack warning / filtration)
> > in three seconds flat.
> Actually, you want a blood agent (the Cyanide family)
> because that will eat through standard NBC filters in
> 25 minutes. Nerve agents can be handled by standard
> (modern) NBC gear.
> But you're still scum if you do so, and you can expect
> to be treated as such.
Depends on if you can get away with it. Best odds on that are using it
an out of the way area and being too strong for those who are angry
about it
to do anything effective. Example, Soviet use of chemical weapons in
> > OK, let's swap to Alois Hammer. I'm sure you've
> > read The Butcher's Bill; cast your mind back to
> > But Loyal To His Own. Granted, the Slammers are
> > exceptional (and somewhat larger than life.)
First observation, most mercs are highly skilled specialists. Units of
mercenaries are very rare now days. Countries have plenty of cannon
to pull triggers. What they need are skilled personal to train them,
maintain the high tech equipment (or train locals to do it). The only
exception to this are foreign legions which are under complete control
one state. The other notable exception would be highly trained commando
teams (so they have deniability, but they are still problematic).