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Eureka figs

From: "Tomb" <tomb@d...>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 11:26:44 -0400
Subject: Eureka figs

Derek said (or quoth):
I was under the impression that it was the other way around, after all
"default" scale is 25mm

"Now for the first time Eureka Miniatures puts you in the driving seat. 
Working on the sound premise that for every one person that might
request a 
particular 25mm figure there are probably any number of others who would
willing to purchase said figure, Eureka introduces the 100 Club."

Tomb replies:

You'd think that. Except I recall when I asked about the Gurkhas (or
maybe it was not Aliens CMC Marines), I was told the default was closer
to 28mm. (I think this makes sense, given the compatibility with a lot
of other figure lines from Coppelstone and the like). Except 28mm does
me no good (well, not much). I can handle one-eyed shiny robot warriors
in 28mm, because they are supposed to be big boys. Not-Jafar also can
justify a bit of a "genetically enhanced" look. But normal figures (if I
want to use them with my other 25mm forces....) need to be 25mm (true)
to be useful. 

Of course, subsequent information may prove this impression/recollection
wrong. But that is how I recall it.

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