RE: Army fig Transporters
From: Katie Lauren Lucas <katie@f...>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 13:28:42 +0100 (BST)
Subject: RE: Army fig Transporters
Quoting Derek Fulton <>:
> At 07:19 22/04/02 -0400, you wrote:
> >I am beginning to lean away from the gun cases as well.
> >I have hear 3 different people tell me of how thier car/van was
> >broken into and the cases stolen by someone thinking they had
> >guns in them.
> >I am thinking of marking the cases with white paint that reads
> >"Does not contain firearms" or "No Guns Enclosed". Not that it
> >would help, but...
> Does it work for businesses and doctor's surgerys?
Probably not:
1. Can they read? English? Well enough to understand a sentence that
use a double negative?
2. Even if they can, are they capable at the moment? (drugs, drink.
3. Would they? You know, I can't see people stopping to read essays
4. Sarcasm: surely they'd steal them away, just to make sure...?
5. OK. So they think they're stealing guns. Even if they now know
they're not,
they're in the car now, aren't they going to steal the figs anyway? I
anything fragile enough to need a case is going to be worth
6. Even if they're not... you're assuming sense. Friend of mine had his
broken into. They ignore all the CB gear under the dash and they took
*packet of cigarettes*. He grins and says "Irony is I finished that
Katie Lauren Lucas, Consultant Software Engineer, Parasol