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RE: Nukes

From: "CS Renegade" <njg@c...>
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 16:23:56 +0100
Subject: RE: Nukes

From: ~ On Behalf Of Thomas Barclay
Sent: 19 April 2002 10:57
Subject: Nukes

> ... as of last I read, the Russians had lost
> track of (ie walked away on their own) about
> [suitcase nukes].

> Things are probably better of late, but there 
> are a lot of missing (well, they might be 
> missing, but if you'd seen Russian paperwork, 
> it'd apparently be hard to tell)

I certainly wouldn't want to encourage complacency
on this topic, but I can offer you another theory
(no references to evidence however.)

What if the missing materials never existed in
the first place? Given the twin Soviet evils of
mandatory production targets and offical
corruption, is it not possible that certain 
factories were ordered to produce X bombs but only
succeeded in manufacturing X - Y devices. Given
dire consequences for failing to fulfill the 
order, the managers reported X bombs complete,
with the fictitous Y in "storage". These were only
missed when they were physically required, in this
case for decommissioning.

In the old Soviet order, the truth would have been
discovered and suppressed, but today (as we saw
with the loss of the Kursk) the military leaks
information at all levels, so the story of the
"missing" materials gradually filtered out.


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