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Re: Slow planes was: Battle blimps

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 15:34:27 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Slow planes was: Battle blimps

On 19-Apr-02 at 13:51, Allan Goodall ( wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 11:08:19 -0600, "B Lin" <> wrote:
> > At 80,000-100,000 feet you could concieveably stand off from the
> > area by 20-30 miles and still have a pretty good view (maybe not in
> > mountainous areas, but still pretty good).
> At 80,000 to 100,000 feet you run into some real problems with the gas
> the gas bag expanding. So the gas bag is going to be pretty darn big.
> how big the gas bag for the "around-the-world" balloons were. It has
to be
> big to go up to those high altitudes. That was for a pressurized
sphere with
> a couple of guys in it. Imagine how big the bag is going to be for a
> zeppelin or blimp carrying enough weaponry to be useful.

So why couldn't you pump it back into a storage container?

Reminds me of the fantasy story where a guy was trying to make
a lighter than air vehicle and had a demon make a hollow steel
sphere and make a vacuum inside because that would be lighter
than air.  The sphere collapsed of course.

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