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Re: [SG2] Question: Put Variant Rules in Web Pages?

From: Katie Lauren Lucas <katie@f...>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 08:49:49 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: [SG2] Question: Put Variant Rules in Web Pages?

Quoting Donald Hosford <>:

> LaTeX? PDF? Word? XTF?  (no offence...but what are these?...wait -
> an offtopic
> thing...never mind...)
> These all sound like really great ways to make a simple tiny text file
> huge...(and
> adding all kinds of formating gizmos...)
> Just MHO.

And actually true in most cases, although LaTeX has the advantage of
being more 
or less readable in the raw. Overhead on the files is a few percent.
(And 100Mb 
of disk space for the formatter to get it into anything else :-)

I can remember the days when having LaTeX installed on your linux box
meant you 
were rich enough to have bought it a second hard disk...

obWargaming: after the "throw everything in a crate and move" incident,
started sorting out the crates of figures. I've got several 30 litre
crates full of unpainted figures. Some of them for games whose rules are
in the shrink-wrap... Whups. 

      Katie Lauren Lucas, Consultant Software Engineer, Parasol

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