Prev: Re: Leading from the Front, Atkinson-style! Next: RE: mixed units was [DS,FT] NSF

Re: Leading from the Front, Atkinson-style!

From: Ryan M Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 12:38:49 -0400
Subject: Re: Leading from the Front, Atkinson-style!

Aren't you lads getting too granular here?

I'd have thought that if the guy had a 1, he'd clearly be soliciting 
information from his staff on ideas. If he was a 2, he'd ask 
occasionally or usually not but was still pretty good. If a 3, well, 
Butter Bars have to die every so often...

  Ryan Gill
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  1960 Daimler Ferret	   1942 Daimler Dingo

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