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From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 18:19:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: GEV RVs

--- Roger Books <> wrote:

> Got that part, what I really meant was how do you
> point
> this out, or do you just say engineers have this
> capability.

Well, if you want my opinion your engineers don't dig
foxholes under fire.  They shoot at the zippers trying
to light them up.  

A 2-man fighting position with overhead cover takes 11
manhours to dig with hand tools, and any infantry slob
can do that.  PA could do that in 1/2 the time?

Engineers differ in capability for earthmoving in that
they have specialist equipment.

> I'm beginning to think I need to buy GEV trucks
> which haul
> a small bucket-loader.

In which case, a good practical rule of thumb might be
each bucket-loader (or actually, SEE[1]) could dig in
a squad each hour.  Now, that won't include overhead
cover, so you might not want to count that as hard
cover vs. airburst artillery.

Specialized Engineering Powered Armor might be 4-8
times as good as unaugmented troops.  So 2 PA
Engineers could dig a 2-man position with overhead
cover in under an hour, no problem.

> I still need to get the whole battalion designed.  I
> also need
> to figure out what they do for interplanetary
> logistics and
> space support.

Hey, I'd be more than happy to help.  Let me know what
you need.  I've probably thrown together more
batallion TOEs than anyone else on the list, although
the logistics side is not what I'm best at.

[1]The SEE is a lightweight, all-wheel-drive,
diesel-engine, high-mobility machine. It is equipped
with a hoe, a loader bucket, and other hydraulic
attachments, which normally include a hammer drill, a
chainsaw, and a pavement breaker. Check the operator's
manual for using the SEE's hydraulic-mounted
attachments. The SEE weighs less than 16,000 pounds,
is air-transportable, can travel more than 50 mph on
improved roads, and has excellent off-road mobility.


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