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From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 16:44:55 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: GEV RVs

On 14-Apr-02 at 16:04, John Atkinson ( wrote:
> > I am working on a mixed battalion, 1/2 Armour, 1/2
> > infantry, all GEV based.  As part of their support
> > there is a platoon of VTOL based PA whose job is to
> > stabalize the situation until the main force can get
> > there.
> Hrm. . . platoon is all well and good if it's
> organized properly.  Pretty easy to overrun if the
> enemy is willing to burn the troops to do it, though. 
> And the transport VTOLs are easy to kill.  I'd suggest
> doing it as a red/white/blue team.  (7th Cav style). 
> A 4-6 ship scout element, a 4-6 ship attack element,
> and an airmobile platoon.

I was planning on sending them in behind gunships.  I also
made them PA because if they are on the cutting edge I
would want to give them the best survivability and hitting 
power I could.	Being PA would also mean they can be dropped
further away from the intended goal.  Not because I like
making them hop but because I really hate to see them
lost dismbarking.

I'm not sure if this will work out but it does give me
room for gaming.

SG: PA arrives, has to hold indigeneous troups for X turns.

DS: Main Bodies arrive, starting positions based on results
of SG game.  I'm also thinking air based engineers so there
are ready made dug-in positions for the quick response force.
Maybe even a quick minefield.  I'm also thinking a standard
load for the artillery includes artillery laid mines.

I am of course fairly clueless and assume all of this is going
to involve doctrine modifications as we game.  Fortunately
for all involved my little pewter guys come back whole after
suffering staggering losses.

Bid for Dragon Con, I'm going to be there and I have promised
myself I would complete the whole DS battalion.

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