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Virii + GEV RVs

From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 00:04:40 -0400
Subject: Virii + GEV RVs

1) I agree with those who say Windoze (pretty 
much any flavour) is the key reason most virii 
can do a lot of damage. MS' ubiquity makes 
their products a target and their focus on 
seamless interactivity (especially without your 
knowledge) and on function over security has 
lead us down a nasty road. 
2) I can speak fondly of Pegasus as I have used 
it for quite some time now. It is powerful, has a 
fair number of features, and is reasonably virus 
proof (though I'm sure with plug-ins, that isn't 
as true but I don't use any plugins but PGP). 
3) Don't believe MIME types. When you see a 
file comes in and is reported to be a gif or 
jpeg, make sure you see the file name and see 
*.gif or *.jpeg then the OS will invoke the 
corresponding application which is correct for 
that filetype. I've seen virii sent around with a 
messed up MIME type that made them look like 
GIFs or JPEGs, but they really were .exe files. 
Nasty if you aren't on your game. 
4) Why should email ever be anything but text? 
(or why should it automatically trigger other 
interactions with the OS?) 
5) I'm now using Opera 6 and I hear tell Mozilla 
1.0 is finally out. Both offer reasonably safe 
browsing and a lot more control over your own 
system (knowing what is going on). Mind you, 
some sights (air canada for instance) will give 
you grief in Opera. But for some of these sites, 
I find (of all things) Lynx will work. Of course, 
some only work for IE, but those sights should 
be damned for the pussbuckets they represent! 
(Me and Adrian have tried to make 
workable with most browsers... Opera has a 
problem which we've fixed but only on the main 
page yet... but most browsers can navigate with 
minimal issues....).

What does a force that is a GEV fast reaction 
force use for reconnaisance? You'd think a 
hover vehicle would be too darn noisy. 
Thoughts from people out there? I want 
something that can (from a ground crossing 
PoV) keep up with the rest of the GEV force. 
Grav is one option, but bound to be expensive. 
Could one make a stealthy GEV or is this 

I'm setting up a DS2 game and this is 
something I wondered about. 

Thomas Barclay
Co-Creator of 
Stargrunt II and Dirtside II game site

No Battle Plan Survives Contact With Dice.
-- Mark 'Indy' Kochte

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