Wet Palette was >>-->Re: Stuart's Painting Tips
From: Flak Magnet <flakmagnet72@y...>
Date: 08 Apr 2002 10:04:17 -0400
Subject: Wet Palette was >>-->Re: Stuart's Painting Tips
On the topic of paint drying out due to painting out of an open bottle:
Try using a wet palette. It sounds "ooh... complicated painting stuff"
but it isn't. Honest!
Obtain some baking parchment, also known as baking paper/cooking
paper/baker's parchment. I found a great big roll of it at a grocery
store right next to the waxed paper and aluminum foil (In America, dunno
how you ferriners arrange your stores). You'll also need paper towels.
Get a shallow, flat-bottomed container and cut a piece of the parchment
just large enough to cover most of the bottom of the container, likewise
cut sections of the paper towels, to the approximate same size.
Lay the paper towels down first, and soak them with water You want it
as wet as possibly without the water running out of it when you tilt it.
Then put a single piece of the baking parchment over it. It will want
to curl and pull up initially, but after a little flattening it will lay
flat. It's ready for use.
The way you use it is to pull paint out of your bottle with a brush and
put it on top of the baking parchment. Moister will leach up through
the paper and keep the wet without diluting it but the paint doesn't
soak down through the paper. I've had paint last for DAYS on a covered
wet palette. You can have several colors on the same wet palette
without having multiple bottle open at one time, this can speed up
painting a lot, as well as preventing spills.
If the paper towels stick out a little from underneath the wet palette
you can moisten the brush by lightly touching it to the paper instead of
dunking it in water. You can also add more water by using a dropper and
adding it right into the paper towels, no need to take off the wet
If you use a container with a cover (like tupperware, etc) covering it
between painting sessions becomes simple. Just add some extra water
before you put on the over and keep the container flat to keep the paint
and water from running to one side.
On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 05:10, Thomas Barclay wrote:
> Like Beth, I hate to disagree with the master
> (well, more like make a slightly related but
> different point): One of the principal causes
> (other than crappy containment which often
> results from poor lids and poor containers) of
> premature paint demise is drying out. Painting
> from an open paint bottle is a PRIMARY cause
> of this. Most advice from the paint makers says
> to NEVER EVER do this. And yet, we all
> probably do. But it probably isn't a bright idea.
> It lets some of the paint dry in the open pot
> and it lets moisture evaporate.
> PS - Does anyone know of any latex paint-life
> extender that is good for all latex paints?
> Specifically, I find water is okay for this, but
> most of my paints seem to have arrived with
> something more oil-like on top, and I get the
> feeling if I could replace that, paint longevity
> would go up.
> T.
> ---------------------------------------------
> Thomas Barclay
> Co-Creator of http://www.stargrunt.ca
> Stargrunt II and Dirtside II game site
> No Battle Plan Survives Contact With Dice.
> -- Mark 'Indy' Kochte
> ---------------------------------------------
--Flak Magnet
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