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Re: [SG] Hand-held grenade launcher ?

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (K.H.Ranitzsch)
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 07:46:52 +0200
Subject: Re: [SG] Hand-held grenade launcher ?

Thanks to John and the others who answered.

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Atkinson" <>
> > Her weapon is a small grenade launcher similar to
> > those you might see slung
> > under a rifle, but as a stand-alone weapon with a
> > shoulder-stock.
> Well, are you talking a large-bore one like the US
> M-79 or the H&K one?

It looks like that, yes.
Although it's a bit difficult to measure the bore on a 25mm weapon :-)

> The autoGLs listed in the SGII are
> smaller caliber ones, like the planned 20mm one (I
> forget designation) that's supposed to be the LMG
> version of the OICW generation.

Could that not have been intended as a heavier autogrenade launcher like
Russian 30 mm AGS-17 or a 37 mm/40 mm like the H&K GMG
Granatenmaschinengewehr ?

A general question: When people state that such-and-such a SG weapon is
comparable to the real-life XYZ, is this just a guess or do you have
that goes beyond what's in the rule book ?

> I'd also say that it should count for the +2 die
> shifts up in close combat to represent the flechette
> or buckshot rounds.

Good point, wouldn't have thought of that.

I guess it's plausible to give it unlimited ammunition in game terms ?

Karl Heinz

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