Re: DS3 points systems and features
From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 19:49:32 EST
Subject: Re: DS3 points systems and features
Thank God someone said that. I have been deleting before reading these
threads but just peeked in on this post. Scenarios are one way to deal
with games. Points (or Cap in DS2 which I mostly play) has value but I
can create a 'munchkin force' or to have it negated by an equally warped
scenario designed to defeat that force.
Yeah DS2 is less then optimal in the design system - ALL design systems
are variably adequate as long as you don't go outside the envelope the
point/cap/whatever the game designer intended. Period.
Some of us are just perverse enough to do so on purpose for a game -
then occasionally!
This is my Science Fiction Alter Ego E-mail address.
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On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 18:40:21 -0500 Ryan Gill <>
>At 12:45 PM -0800 4/5/02, John Atkinson wrote:
>>Hrm. . . So what you're saying is that any pretence at
>>point balance is inherently flawed and depends on
>>scenario design and usage?
>a 3000 pt force with zero ADS vs a 500 pt force of ground and 2500
>VTOLS and Aerospace will get wiped from the table.
>Some points costs are exceedingly relative.
>ECM doesn't do you a damn bit of good if your opponent doesn't use
>GMS's. ADS doesn't do much good either. Especially if there isn't any
>aircraft ont he table either.
>The scenario is everything. Again, the best games I've either played
>or refed were those that points didn't even enter into my
>calculations. No battles in real life have calculations.
>Ryan Gill
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