Re: [DS] Points system (fresh)
From: Jim Callahan <res03m1u@g...>
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 13:24:05 -0600
Subject: Re: [DS] Points system (fresh)
Daryl Lonnon wrote:
>Then, after determining the fluff statistics of a vehicle, you
>determine how much the vehicle costs in points.
that's good. It reminds me of a game system for space combat (not FT,
ahem, sorry) that is easy to use and fun and results in incredibly
balanced ship designs.
Basically, you have Hull size, weapons cost based on power, and
defensive things cost a percentage of hull (ECM takes up less space than
a Decoy)
>So a defense of level a costs b points.
>Movement of c costs d * (Defense Modifier) points.
movement should add to both defense and offense
>A offense of level e costs f * (Def Mod * Move Mod) points.
>Total up the three values to get the cost of the vehicle.
you pose the starmada system ina nutshell
basically, you have sqrt(offense + defense)
which provides great balance and prevents cheesiness
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