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Re: [DS] No Capacity was: Points system (fresh)

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 12:58:38 -0500
Subject: Re: [DS] No Capacity was: Points system (fresh)

At 12:26 PM -0500 4/5/02, John Crimmins wrote:
>I don't believe that the purpose of the point system is to "award" 
>or "penalize" anything -- its purpose is to provide a rough sense of 
>balance for those
>concerned about such things.

But it does work that way.

>Using	Andy Cowell's on-line DSII generator, the costs for the 
>sample tanks are  64 points for Vehicle A, and 138 points for 
>Vehicle B

And if vehicle B has an enhanced PDS, a ECM system, ADFV and 
additional components filling in that space, then shouldn't it still 
be more than vehicle A?

>...which illustrates the point nicely, I think.  Two vehicles with 
>identical performance, but one costs a little more than *twice* as 
>much as the other.

Because the assumption is that if you build a vehicle with additional 
capacity, it will be used. You're leaving this big empty box on the 
back of this tank and saying it doesn't have a combat value. Thats 
true. But if you stuff additional components into that tank then 
you've got a better tank.

Now, I would approach all of this from a different direction. I'd 
build a cost system in that would allow miniaturization of types of 
weapons making them take up lower amounts of capacity for a given 
cost. It builds on the system and allows you to get what you are 
looking for.

I have a problem with the fact that you're squishing two things 
together and saying they are the same when they are not. Size =! 
apparent signature.

Ryan Gill
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