Re: DS3 points systems and features
From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 07:06:42 +0200
Subject: Re: DS3 points systems and features
John Atkinson wrote:
>So tell me, in a pick-up game how do yo pick the tech
>level? If I'm designing for the GZG default setting,
>and you're designing for a setting with jeeps mounted
>with HKP/5s, what's the point?
If the vehicles are priced according to the effect they have on-table,
what's the problem? The over-gunned jeeps are hard-hitting and hard to
due to low signature, but they'll be seriously outnumbered by your more
conventional units.
> >Its like legislating morality, that never works.
>The hell it doesn't. The DSII construction system is
>a damn sight more flexible than any other one I've
As Alex said, in that case you don't seem to have seen very many other
vehicle design systems...
> >be racking up quite the bill. The Roman Century shouldn't be up
> >against more than a squad of Terminators, by the same notion.
>However, as the Terminators are effectively impossible to kill with
>javelins and short swords, is it balanced?
Sounds like something similar to this:
1 Terminator = 1500 pts (or whatever extreme amount you care to name)
1 Roman legionary = 1 pt
On an open field, the Romans are mowed down. Close the terrain down
however, and don't force the Romans to stick in formation but allow them
use their ingenuity and tech skills... how much do Terminators like
crushed under rock slides etc? (Shades of RotJ Ewoks here <G>)
This is what "paying for effect" is all about. If you have an extremely
powerful unit, it should cost an extreme amount of points.
"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."