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Re: [DS] Points system (fresh)

From: Ryan M Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 17:12:58 -0500
Subject: Re: [DS] Points system (fresh)

At 1:58 PM -0800 4/4/02, Brian Bilderback wrote:

>Lower signature should cost more than higher signature, yes. 
>Regardless of whether that is accomplished by being small or using 
>stealth methods.  Put a bright pink bycicle in the middle of a 
>freshly tilled field of brown earth.  put an M1 Abrams, well camo'd, 
>in the woods a hundred yards to the right.  which is harder to hit 
>using the old Mk. 1 eyeball?

Well, a basic jeep chassis shouldn't cost more than a basic tank 
chassis 5 times larger. The Pink Bicycle vs the camo'd tank is 

In addition to the whole signature thing is the difficulty in hiding 
it in the first place. I can lay the pink bicycle down in the grass 
and you won't see it 50 feet away let alone across the field. That 
tank, isn't going to be put into a little tuft of grass and be 

Further, the tank is closer to the broad side of a barn than that
bicycle is.

>Except that the capacity/points combo is just too cumbersome.	It's 
>the end result that matters - if taking a big vehicle and giving it 
>enough stealth results in the same combat effectiveness as taking a 
>small vehicle and miniaturizing it, then their end point cost should 
>be the same.  So why not eliminate the size/stealth/capacity step 
>and JUST deal with how many points such a vehicle should cost?

If I make a battle ship have the same signature as a pt boat it 
should cost the same? I don't think so. That BB has far more combat 
capability being carried around than that MTB.

A stealthed size 5 tank should cost far more than a size 1 personal 
vehicle. A stealthed size 2 vehicle should cost a good deal more than 
that size 1 vehicle.

Furthermore, that size/stealth/capacity step allows for a good means 
of describing the vehicle.
- Ryan Montieth Gill			     '01 Honda Insight -
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