RE: Boone's Company
From: "Eli Arndt" <eli_arndt@w...>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 20:51:39 -0800
Subject: RE: Boone's Company
This is cool John. Nice and neat with no delusions of grandure. What
sort of missions do they usually undertake? I am still trying to hack
together a reasonable outline for my PA mercs.
>Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 20:22:30 -0800 (PST)
> John Atkinson <> Boone's Company Tom Barclay
<>, Adrian Johnson <>Cc: GZG-List
>Copied to the list just for the heck of it. Time for
>some on-topic Stargrunt stuff.
>Boone's Company is completely typical of mercenary
>units. It's small, with no heavy equipment or armored
>vehicles. It is not particularly elite, but also not
>bad at what they do either. Recruits indiscrimately
>from combat veterans of a variety of national armies
>and colonial forces. Major Boone formed it after
>being RFTed from a NAC light infantry unit.
>HQ Section:
> HQ: CO, XO, 1SG, Operations NCO, 3 drivers, company
>clerk, Supply Sergeant, Armorer. 3 Jeeps, 2 light
>trucks (1 outfitted as TOC and driven by clerk, other
>used by supply sergeant and armorer)
> Maintinence Section: 6 mechanics, 1 clerk. 1 contact
>truck, 1 shop truck, 1 parts truck
>Weapons Platoon
> HQ: PL, PSG, Medic, EW, 2xDriver, 2xJeeps
> Machine Gun Section: 8x.50 cal armed jeeps, each
>with 3 man crew.
> Mortar Section: 4xMortar teams (4 men ea), Section
>Leader, Driver, 5xJeeps
> Recon Team: Section leader, 4xSnipers, 4xSpotters
>4xRifle Platoons
> HQ Section: PL, PSG, Medic, EW
> Weapons Squad: Section Leader, 3xSAW Gunners
> 3xRifle Squads: SL, 2xTL, PPG, SAW, 4xRiflemen
>Antitank Platoon
> HQ Section: PL, PSG, Medic, EW, 2xDrivers,
>2xGunners, 2xAGL-armed Jeeps
> 4xAT Sections: 2xAT Jeeps, 3-man crew each
>Usual mission configuration is with a sniper team, AT
>section, and 2x.50 cal armed jeeps attached to each
>platoon. Remaining assets are under the company
>commander's control, including the mortars. All
>troops notionally carry an automatic rifle, or a
>pistol and a support weapon. In practice, a mix of
>SMGs, shotgns, and pistols are carried by vehicle
>crewmen and senior leadership instead of rifles. Any
>of the platoons may be motorized with locally acquired
>assets, either officially or unofficially.
>Jeep: Size 1, CFE, Armor 0, HiMob Wheels. All Jeeps
>except .50 cal Jeeps carry SAWs. AT Jeeps carry a
>GMS/H launcher, or may be equipped with AGLs if there
>is no armor threat.
>Automatic Rifle: Enfield Liquid Propellant Assault
>Rifle LP3A1, 7.5mm assault rifle with integral 20mm
>grenade launcher. FP 3 Imp d10
>SAW: Enfield Liquid Propellant Light Machine Gun,
>3-barrel rotary SAW. FP d10 Imp d10.
>PPG: Boone recently acquired a new shipment of the
>standard-issue NSL PPG and has adopted them.
>The Heavy Machine Gun is the M-2A7E2 .50 caliber HMG.
>Constructed of composites and firing sabot ammunition,
>this is considerably lighter than it's venerable
>predecessor and includes a muzzle brake to compensate.
> FP d10, Impact d12*. Range bands are 12". Takes up
>2 construction slots. Swapping the integral "free"
>SAW for an HMG costs 1 construction slot.
>Automatic Grenade Launcher: 40mm HV Grenade Launcher.
>FP d12, Imp d10*
>Antitank Missle: Guidance d8
>IAVR: FP d10 Imp d12* Armbrust V. Evolutionary
>development of one of the first soft-launch LAWs.
>Armor: All infantrymen wear a soft torso armor with
>small ceramic plates built in. d6
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